CARLOS SA NATURE EVENTS, henceforth CSNE, is theorganizer of the Trail and Walking Tours.
Booking tours requires the use of the bookingpage available on our site: www.carlossanatureevents.com
All prices are quoted in EUROS. Prices aresubject to change. Guide gratuities are not included in fees.
After fill and send the booking form, eachparticipant will receive an email with the confirmation and the paymentinstructions. In order to be officially signed up for the tour, theparticipants need to pay initially 30% of the registration fee (this amount isnon refundable) to the IBAN that is going to sent by email. The remainingamount (70% of the registration fee) can be payed until or in the 1st day ofthe event at the reception desk.
The bank transfer proof should be sent to ouremail [email protected].
The participant may cancel booking emailing usat [email protected]
Refundsas follows (applicable for cases in which the registration fee is paid in fullbefore the 1st day of the tour)
• Ifthe participant informs the tour’s organization about the cancellation 2 weeks or more before starttime: 70% of the registration fee will be refunded via banktransfer.
• Ifthe participant informs the tour’s organization about the cancellation less than 2 weeks before the start time:35% of the registration fee will be refunded via bank transfer.
• Noshow: a 100% forfeit of tour price. No rescheduling accepted.
If conditions beyond our control (adverseweather conditions, natural disasters, strikes etc) force us to cancel a tour,we will do all we can to accommodate you at another date. If this isn’tpossible we will offer a 50% refund via bank transfer.
The organization assures insurance contractsaccording to the required by the Portuguese law. The insurance premium isincluded in the registration fee.
CSNE is not responsible for any accidentsoccurred due to participants careless or disregard behavior.
Personal objects are in the care of its owners.CSNE is not responsible for any lost object during the activity.
Participants give CSNE all rights in the audioand video material gathered during the activity and allow its use forpromotional purposes, without any time limits and without the right to anypossible financial compensation.
All participants data will be processed by CSNEand used for registration as well as for insurance purposes.
All participants may eliminate their data afterthe event by sending an email to [email protected]
At CSNE, we respect and value your opinion. Weaim to make it easy for you to come to us with feedback – be it positive ornegative in nature – and bring complaints to our attention.
In the unlikely event that you have a problem orcomplaint during your tour, please speak with your guide withoutdelay.
If you are unsatisfied with the resolution ontour, you can then make a complaint to us on your return by email [email protected].
We will aim to resolve your complaint in theshortest possible time-frame and we will send you an acknowledgement of receiptof your complaint within 3 business days.
If we decide that your complaint is justified,we will then decide what action we should take. We always try to match ourresponse to the nature of your complaint and your desired outcome, but this maynot always be possible.
The participant states that:
• Hasread, understood and fully accepts the “Terms and Conditions".
• Recognizesthe risks and difficulties of hiking and running in a natural environment, andassures that enjoy good health not suffering from any disease, allergy,physical defect, lesion or cardio respiratory disorder advising against takingpart in the Tours.
• Hasthe knowledge, the technical skill and the gear necessary to participate in theTour.
• Commitsto keep a responsible behavior, and to respect all the instructions of the TourGuides.
• Commitsto follow the general rules of respect for Nature, environment and otherpeople.
This document is governed under Portuguese civillaw and all doubts, disagreements or disputes that may arise in itsinterpretation or performance shall be submitted to the decision of theArbitration Court, established under current Portuguese law.
Questions, Comments or Suggestions?
Please contact us if you have anyquestions, comments or suggestions regarding our website